Dangerous HVAC Repairs That Require Professional Services

When it comes to your heating and cooling system, it can be tempting to try and solve problems without the help of a professional. However, DIY repairs can be dangerous in some cases. It’s crucial to contact a team of professionals to solve certain problems with your HVAC system.

Making decisions about your HVAC system can feel like an overwhelming process. At Complete Comfort Air Conditioning and Heating, our team is here to help you feel in control of your home units. Our team prioritizes the safety of Jupiter homeowners above all else. You can trust us to help you determine which issues should be handled by a technician.

Which HVAC Issues Should A Professional Handle?

Your heater and air conditioner are made up of many complex components. Incorrect handling of these machines can be hazardous. Not every issue is a DIY fix, especially when electrical and chemical hazards are involved. An experienced technician should correct specific problems with your system.

Refrigerant Handling

Every central air conditioner needs refrigerant for adequate indoor cooling. However, this substance is highly toxic and can pose various risks if improperly handled. Working with refrigerants require a specialized set of tools and gauges. These chemicals can harm you and your surrounding environment if mishandled.

Electrical Repairs

Like any working component of our home, our HVAC systems depend on electricity to function, and doing anything with electricity is usually best left to the professionals. Not only is electricity immediately dangerous because of its shock potential, but if electric components aren’t installed properly, it can lead to severe issues, like fire or electrocution.

Compressor Replacement

The compressor is one of the most important components of any HVAC system. This technology is responsible for cooling and compressing refrigerant. Afterward, it can be recycled through the system and utilized to remove heat from the air once more.

For safety reasons, compressor-related work is best left to the professionals. The compressor acts as a junction for all dangerous systems of your air conditioner. This can be hazardous if improperly handled.

Evaporator Coil Cleaning

A clean evaporator coil is essential for a properly functioning air conditioner because its surface area is the component that allows heat transfer. Cleaning a coil can sometimes require harsh chemicals and accessing hard-to-reach places. The only way to ensure this process is done correctly is by leaving it to a professional.

Ductwork Modifications

Ductwork is an incredibly crucial and often overlooked component of an HVAC system. These channels play a significant role in your overall energy efficiency. Damaged ductwork can cause air to escape from leaks in the material. This problem may lower the efficiency of your system. High-quality ductwork installation is vital to a well-functioning system and reduced energy losses.

With that in mind, any repair or reworking of your ductwork is best left to an HVAC expert. With such a high potential for efficiency loss, every foot of ductwork matters. Correctly-installed air ducts can mean the difference between a functioning HVAC system and one that struggles to do its job.

Dangerous Repairs? Call A Team That Cares

At Complete Comfort Air Conditioning & Heating, we are determined to be the professionals that the community of Jupiter turns to when their HVAC system needs servicing. From simple tasks, like refrigerant leak repair, to something as complex as a full-system replacement, you can trust us to do the job! When repairs become too dangerous and you need the help of an expert, contact the team at Complete Comfort today!

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Jupiter, FL
1829 Park Ln S STE 4
Jupiter, FL 33458